I find the term PTSD (Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder) created by Health Professionals sanitises and minimises an affliction that in reality, causes great distress for a person. This term can lay a foundation of blame, and shame, where the person is expected to take full responsibility and accountability for their predicament, swallow a hard pill and deal with it.
The truth is, this person has been affected by a major life event or series of events in the workplace, community or home, that has dramatically changed the core of the person; the sense of who they are, who they use to be, and the life that they once knew.
But there is a way to navigate your way out of this affliction. You can conquer it. I have, and so can you. The journey may be short or long, but you will learn things on the on-line PTSD support group about yourself, that will help you to take back your life and begin anew.
Are you interested in joining the on-line PTSD Support Group? Please click the button below to register.
The purpose of this group is to;
Experience relief from PTSD symptoms
Create a support network
Use and experience tools that help
Educate and create change
Once every 1-2 months we meet somewhere in Auckland for dinner for face to face interaction support.
Location: Online and in Auckland
When: Q1 2024.
When: Mondays 7-8pm
Cost: FREE

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